Scenario Analysis Training - Ericsson
To develop strategies is important for success. But a changing and hardly predictable future will influence on your strategy. Therefore you have to plan for different future scenarios to be well prepared. This is an analysis and strategy training taking a future perspective, trends and changes into account. The purpose is to give you a method to create a future-robust strategy.
Upcoming dates for the training
June 10 - 11, 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
Course Objectives
The main objective with the course is to give participants a tool for long range planning and to test products and strategies in a future laboratory. The final purpose is to get ability to create a robust strategy.
After the training
After completing the course, all participants will have sufficient knowledge to be able to conduct a scenario analysis process on their own. The participants will also have an extended knowledge about the importance of external and internal factors.
Target Audience
This training is primarily for professionals working with Strategies or Product Management.
This course has shown to give an extra positive result if the participating individuals in a course have different insights and from different abstraction levels of one and the same Product Area. The course can then be seen as a tool for Business Planning which needs to be done anyway. Product Development, Engagement Practices, Business Intelligence, etc. are important contributors for the course outcome, leading to a common view of possible scenarios.
Pre requisites
There is no specific demand for any pre requisites. However, it is valuable if participants in beforehand think about challenges in the business environment, which might affect their products and services ahead.
Course Content
How to:
- formulate a scenario question
- identify what might influence the questions
- identify important uncertainties
- construct a scenario cross
- describe different futures
- identify challenges to your business
- develop a robust strategy
Learning situation and duration
The training will primarily be given in Ericsson’s premises in Kista, Sweden. It is a two days training that starts at 9 am and ends at 5 pm.
The training will be held in English. If all participants are Swedish and all agree, that will instead be the language.
Instructor/Facilitator info
The instructor will be a consultant with many years of experience from sharp scenario processes and with a pedagogic platform and experience from teaching.
Contact person
For questions about the training and the content please contact Bobo af Ekenstam, managing director at Docere Intelligence:, mobile +46703661539.
For practical questions of administrative art please contact: Susanne Fagerholt, Head of Competence Readiness FA PM:, mobile +46730311925